Affiliates: How do I connect my bank account?

How do I get paid as an affiliate?


Last Update 2 years ago

Avelon has partnered with Stripe to allow for seamless, automated payments direct to your nominated bank account. We've provided step-by-step instructions on how to connect your account below:

1. Head to the settings page in your menu on the left hand side. If you cannot see the menu, you may have accidentally clicked collapse (the burger menu), so simply click it again to open the menu.

2. Click connect my account and a new window will open. Stripe will take you through the necessary steps to connect your bank account.

How often will I get paid?

In short: if there are no queries from the brand about your confirmed sales, then you will be paid 45-days after your transaction has been confirmed via our system. If there are discrepancies, then the full amount owed for the 30-day window will still be issued minus the commission that is being questioned. Once the issue has been resolved, the amount will be paid into your account the following month. 

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