Accepting Affiliate Program Applications

How to accept applications to your affiliate programs


Last Update 2 years ago

Accepting an application from an affiliate to your program is done through the applications section of the site. 

You will be notified in two ways:

1. Via email

2. Within the applications section of the site

The application will come through (as above) and you have the option to Approve or Deny the application. If you want to view more about the affiliate, you can click the affiliates name and it will take you to the affiliates profile. 

Once you press approve / deny, the status will change to approved / denied (depending on your choice) and state who made the decision and what date / time that the decision was made. 

If you accidentally approve or accidentally deny an application, you can just press the approve or deny button on the right hand side of the screen. This will over turn the original decision.

Please note: the affiliate will receive an email stating your decision and if you keep pressure approve / deny multiple times, will receive multiple emails. We strongly recommend you don't do this. Because, you know, it's quite annoying. 

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